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Neuropathy Care in Glendale

heel painPeripheral neuropathy is a condition characterized by nerve damage, which leads to symptoms such as weakness, burning pain, numbness, tingling, and debilitating balance problems.

The damage can stem from various underlying causes, including poor blood flow, toxic blood sugar levels (as seen in diabetes), chronic infections, pesticide exposure, and genetic factors. Another common cause of nerve damage is autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, including nerves.

Identifying the specific cause for each patient is crucial for effective treatment and nerve healing. Comprehensive testing is vital to diagnosing and treating peripheral neuropathy effectively.

Can Peripheral Nerves Heal?

According to scientific literature, peripheral nerves can heal. However, it’s crucial to address both the healing of the nerves and the root cause of the nerve damage. Successful treatment involves determining the following:

  1. The underlying cause of the nerve damage.
  2. The severity of the nerve damage.
  3. The types of nerve fibers damaged (sensory nerves, both small fiber nerves and large diameter nerves, and motor nerves).
  4. The necessary extent of treatment (based on the degree and type of nerve damage).
Our treatment at Elite Pain Relief and Wellness focuses on optimizing the body’s environment for nerve healing, increasing blood flow to the nerves, stimulating damaged nerves to reduce pain and improve balance, and decreasing brain-based pain.

Our Innovative Neuropathy Treatment Program

The treatment system we use increases blood flow to the nerves in the feet and hands, rejuvenating them naturally without surgery or addictive medications. Our proprietary program uses up to eight different state-of-the-art technologies, offering a new, non-invasive, and non-surgical therapy protocol for neuropathy sufferers.

Key Components of Our Neuropathy Protocol

  1. Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy: This technology uses Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) to increase blood flow and repair nerves by stimulating the production of new blood vessels. With 21 peer-reviewed studies showing a 97% success rate, this therapy is highly effective for peripheral neuropathy.
  2. Electrostimulation: Digital electrotherapeutic stimulation, known as Nerve Re-Education, assists in nerve growth and is used by major institutions like the Cancer Centers of America. This therapy can be performed at home for daily benefits, offering immediate pain relief and restoration of normal sensation.
  3. Advanced Nutrition Therapy: Proper nutrition supports tissue and nerve repair. Our advanced nutritional therapies accelerate healing by influencing inflammation, blood flow, and nitric oxide availability.
  4. In-Clinic Visits & Online Education: Complementing home therapy, patients visit our office weekly for in-clinic protocols. Each component of the treatment plan is critical for achieving optimal results.

Holistic Evaluation for Personalized Treatment

Our chiropractors evaluate three main components to uncover the best approach to health and healing for each patient:

  • Structural Component: Examining the spine.
  • Neurological Component: Assessing the nervous system.
  • Metabolic Component: Evaluating metabolic health.
By addressing these areas, our practitioners can develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s needs.

Take the First Step Toward Healing

If you suffer from neuropathy, our multi-faceted program can provide relief and promote healing.

Schedule an evaluation with us today to determine if you are a candidate for our innovative treatment protocol. We want to help you reclaim your quality of life!


Neuropathy Care | (602) 460-3490